Different Reasons for Roof Leakage That You Must Know
Every homeowner is worried about roof leakage, as this turns out to be one of the most expensive home remodelling projects. If ever your roof starts leaking then you cannot just afford to wait any more, but consider about its […]

Every homeowner is worried about roof leakage, as this turns out to be one of the most expensive home remodelling projects. If ever your roof starts leaking then you cannot just afford to wait any more, but consider about its repair or replacement immediately.
If your roof ever leaks then you must immediately contact The Roof Doctor to get your roof properly inspected and ask him for necessary remedy. However, if he suggests that roof replacement is the only remedy then you have to go for it.
Following are the few reasons why your roof may leak:
1. Lack of maintenance
As a homeowner, you must regularly inspect your roof and then do necessary repair and maintenance as needed in a timely manner. Lack of maintenance or poor maintenance are often cause of roof leaking.
2. Poor installation
One of the good reasons of early roof leaking is because poor quality of installation work done by the roofing contractor.
If during the installation, you have not hired any professional roofing contractor Johannesburg then you are likely to face such problem.
3. Poor repairs
Often people may prefer to do repair work in DIY way and that can make roofing problems even worse. Unless you are aware about correct roof repair techniques, it is better not to do it. You may contact any professional roofing company.
4. Type of roofing
Often selecting wrong material for roofing can also be the reason of early roof leaking. If you are not too sure about what kind of roof material to be used then better discuss with any professional rather than going for cheap material.
5. Flashing
In order to protect the roof, flashing is one of the great ways. However, if the installation has not been done in a perfect manner, or wrong flashing type is used then water may find its way into the home.
6. Insufficient ventilation in ceiling cavity
Another very important issue that people often overlook. There must be enough ventilation provided in the roof as heat and moisture can always damage your roof sooner than later.
7. Build-up of debris
If your house is surrounded with many big trees then your rooftop may have plenty of tree leaves and other debris that need to be cleaned regularly. Failing to clear these debris time to time may also cause roof leaking.
8. Gutters and down pipes
Even your blocked gutters as well as down pipes can cause water backlog. Finally, these waters will easily find its way into your roof tiles causing internal leaks. So, you must ensure that your gutters are perfectly clean and also in perfect condition.
9. Aging roof
If your roof is more than 25 years old then naturally its lifespan is almost over and it may become quite ineffective to keep the water out. You must regularly get your aged roof inspected and replace them before it becomes a leaky roof.
10. Chimneys
Chimneys must have specific flashings and installed properly. Also, the counter-flashing which goes into brick mortar must be perfect otherwise you may have roof leaking.