Understand How Corona Virus Spreads to Prevent Its Transmission
Corona virus, clinically SARS- CoV-2 is a respiratory illness that causes severe acute respiratory disease in a small percentage of infected people resulting in pneumonia and even death. The most common question that is being asked by common people during […]

Corona virus, clinically SARS- CoV-2 is a respiratory illness that causes severe acute respiratory disease in a small percentage of infected people resulting in pneumonia and even death. The most common question that is being asked by common people during the pandemic is, “how do we protect ourselves from being getting infected by the virus that has caused havoc in the world”?
There is no vaccine or cure for the virus yet as it is a new viral strain and our immune system does not recognize it, causing symptoms that are not yet fully known. In order to protect ourselves and our children, we have to understand the way this virus spreads and focus on solutions to break the route of transmission.
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Route of viral transmission
The main route of transmission of corona virus is from close contact with an infected individual whether, in a public place or from the infected family members. Close contact could be –
- In a public place, where an infected person sneezes releasing air droplets containing the virus.
- By shaking hands with the infected person, if they have touched the nose or mouth, which contains high viral load.
- By touching your mouth or nose without washing your hands after touching an infected surface or a person.
- By touching infected surfaces and not washing hands before touching your face.
- It is not yet clear, but there is a possibility of viral spread through contaminated toiled seats from the faeces of an infected person.
- Although not accurately established, but there is a chance that an infected mother can transmit the virus to the baby; inside the womb, during delivery, and during breast feeding.
Precautions to be taken if a pregnant woman is found to be positive for Covid-19
The regulations suggest the following precautions to be taken during the delivery:
- All pregnant women must undergo testing for the presence of virus before getting admission into the hospital for delivery.
- If found positive, the mother and new born have to be separated for temporary basis to reduce the risk of spread to the new born.
- Mask should be worn at all times while taking care of the baby, especially during breastfeeding.
- They should wash their hands thoroughly before and after handling the baby and baby accessories.
- If you use a breast pump, clean with boiling water after each use.
- If the mother is sick with symptoms and cannot breastfeed, consider using expressed breast milk from a healthy mother.
A person with symptoms of Covid-19 illness is the most contagious when he or she is showing the symptoms. However, you can get the virus even from healthy looking people. Stay 6 feet away from everyone you meet. Wear your masks every time you venture out. Wash your hands frequently. Disinfect contaminated surfaces. Stay home and protect yourself from getting exposed.