
Never Throw These Things in Your Toilet Flush


Toilets and trash cans are the places, where people generally throw their stuff. However, both these should be used properly so that things don’t get messed up latter. Particularly, here we shall talk about toilets. Often people use toilet as […]

Toilets and trash cans are the places, where people generally throw their stuff. However, both these should be used properly so that things don’t get messed up latter. Particularly, here we shall talk about toilets.

Often people use toilet as trash can and throw anything that they like, which is wrong. Can you afford to call Sydney plumbers at late night every now and then to clear the blockage? That is exactly going to happen if you regularly throw the following things in the toilet instead of using your trash can.

  1. Hair

As a matter of fact, hair can clog drains more as compared to all others that are listed below. While cleaning your brushes just throw them into the garbage.

  1. Condoms

Better you wrap them and just throw away in your trash. If you prefer to hide it then just wrap them in few toilet paper layers and then throw on your trash.

  1. Nail clippings

Your nail clipping can always clog the toilet pipes and hence it is always better to throw them in your trash can instead of throwing them in your toilet.

  1. Cat litter

Usually, cats also have their toilets, so till your cat is not trained how to use human toilet, it is better to dispose of their litter in the trash, or better compost.

  1. Food stuff

Particularly soup and other food stuff should not be thrown in toilet as toilet pipes are not designed for them. Sooner or later they can clog the toilet during inconvenient time.

  1. Paper towel

Any paper towel will not break down as fast like toilet paper, as it is thicker and larger. They can clog your toilet much quickly than you will be able to call a plumber.

  1. Diapers

You toilet flush may be quite powerful enough and also carry the mighty diaper and plastics of disposable nappies, but they will not break down within the sewer systems.

  1. Cooking grease

Grease, oils and fats are though liquid, but soon they get cooled and can build up on both sides of the pipes, and over a period of time, will reduce the pipe opening almost like clogged artery.

  1. Dental floss

Remember that your dental floss is not biodegradable, though your small piece may not harm, but if you make it a practice then whole bunch will start tangling together.

  1. Bandages

Usually, bandages are mostly made from plastic, and that is not biodegradable and hence can always create clogs. So, better you should throw them in your trash.

  1. Medicines

The water that you see within your toilet is just water which will end up in the rivers, lakes or oceans, and our sewage systems do not remove medicines from these waters.

  1. Sanitary pads

These pads are basically designed to absorb all your moisture and expand. Due to expansion, it makes them unsafe if you allow them to pass through the pipes and sewers.

Remember that, plumbers usually arrive at most inconvenient time and therefore, if you want to save yourself from embarrassment then follow the advice given above.